Awarded VET3D project proposal!
We are pleased to announce that Novareckon Srl is a partner of “VET3D – 3D LEARNING DIMENSIONS IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION” project that has been selected for funding!
The project will be funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS + Programme. The project coordinator is Evropska rozvojova agentura (EUDA) of the Czech Republic.
Project VET3D main aim is to promote the three-dimensional approach in VET merging formal, non-formal and workbased training in order to strengthen digital up-skilling of learners’ transversal competences to improve employment opportunities.

3D learning aims at improving employment opportunities of Vet students through tools and paths that can enhance transversal skills empowerment, according to the fact that more and more companies prefer to hire new graduates with high level of soft skills gained from out of school learning environments (not only internships but also volunteering, active citizenship, learning mobility experiences).
The objectives of the project are:
- design and implementation of an online database (website or platform) for storing the personal records of young adults, designed by a team of experts (teachers, case managers, corporate recruiters, computer scientists) who will collect the data of all the participants;
- definition of a pre-orientation courses (extracurricular experiences, school-work alternation and job placement services) for helping the young adults to enhance their transversal skills, digital literacy, vocational skills with aim to help them to gain the skills they will really need when starting their work life;
- continuous skills mapping throughout the pre-orientation courses. It takes into account the evolution of their path, self-assessment and the assessments of the professionals with whom they relate: project managers and school tutors.